The Path of Papoose
Creative Writing for At Risk Students
There are many different types of brains, each unique and curious. That's definitely a good thing, but that means each brain is going to absorb and retain information when and how it deems appropriate. Forcing education, how ever[GR :: EXCPS :: how ever]{NR} positive the intentions may be[GR :: EXCPS :: may be]{R} inevitably neglects or discards those children whose interests are not aligned with the chronology of the established curriculum.
For example, on a distant planet, children must first attain an MBA before attending high school. On our planet, some people elect to learn Business Management & Administration years after graduating college and well into an established career in another field. Does that mean that the same person would not be intelligent on the distant planet because{R} they didn't get an MBA right after Elementary School? Would they be trapped at the poverty level until death because the school system and his brain's wiring were not atune? Probably.
The Concept
The concept here is simple; learn, don't learn, learn later, never learn, learn everything, the choice is up to you, and by <I>you</I>{R} I mean everybody. If you are not the best at a specific unique skill that the rest of society appreciates, then you should study something that interests you.
This site will hopefully one day have hundreds of pairs of links--student|teacher websites--to complement each other as students learn independently, at their own pace, in their own desired order of courses. Obvious virtues will ensure necessary prerequisites are prioritized; for example, reading is required before writing.
If a child wants to learn Calculus before Trigonometry, well first, both those courses have almost zero value in life, but second, so what? Go learn! Anybody who tries to stop you from learning something is almost definitely a soldier in hell's army or a recruit in training for that same army.
Heaven vs Hell
G-d hates only ignorance, the lack of knowledge, wisdom, experience, foresight, and reflection. Those are the five building blocks every human person receives, with each person having their unique proportion of them, intended to match their brain's patterns so they can achieve what they believe is excellence. Follow your dreams, learn something with passion, and then become passionate about what you learned. Stop preaching and imposing your own brand of illogical criticisms to each other. You want to criticize? Then criticize yourself only. You want to learn something, check the EeQ website periodically to see if Papoose has approved an expert for that topic. If not, you can search the PapooseWeb of websites for related topics.
Always evolving eQuality.