...within the first 30 days of your pledge purchase, and...
...I'll give you 100% refund plus $1 which...
...you will then have to choose someone (probably a total stranger to you) to have access removed along with your access who is one of the people in the $1.00 pledge pool and...
that's between y'all. This rule was created before a single pledge was permitted.
So that's the refund policy from now until the timestamp below.
Don't like it?
Me neither!
Don't pledge!
I ain' gonna eat her.
This offer is valid for one year; TIMESTAMP: 10:49AM NYC EST 28 JAN 2018 AD
Yes, 2016, I know, this site will be ready next year.
Also, the new Refund Policy that replaces this one after a year will be just as thought provokingly original.
...within the first 30 days of your pledge purchase, and...
...I'll give you 100% refund plus $1 which...
...you will then have to choose someone (probably a total stranger to you) to have access removed along with your access who is one of the people in the $1.00 pledge pool and...
that's between y'all. This rule was created before a single pledge was permitted.
So that's the refund policy from now until the timestamp below.
Don't like it?
Me neither!
Don't pledge!
I ain' gonna eat her.
This offer is valid for one year; TIMESTAMP: 10:49AM NYC EST 28 JAN 2018 AD
Yes, 2016, I know, this site will be ready next year.
Also, the new Refund Policy that replaces this one after a year will be just as thought provokingly original.