The Path of Papoose Creative Writing for At Risk Students There are many different types of brains, each unique and curious. That's definitely a good thing, but that means each brain is going to absorb and retain information when and how it deems appropriate. Forcing education, how ever[GR :: EXCPS :: how ever]{NR} positive the intentions may be[GR :: EXCPS :: may be]{R} inevitably neglects or discards those children whose interests are not aligned with the chronology of the established curriculum. For example, on a distant planet, children must first attain an MBA before attending high school. On our planet, some people elect to learn Business Management & Administration years after graduating college and well into an established career in another field. Does that mean that the same person would not be intelligent on the distant planet because{R} they didn't get an MBA right after Elementary School? Would they be trapped at the poverty level until death because...
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